Sunday, September 18, 2011

More Summer Fun

We have a park right behind our townhome that we visit almost every day. We love it!

Aaron in the Golden Buffalo Bills Day parade. (Buffalo Bill is buried right by Golden, CO).

Rachel getting ready for dance class.

Rachel dressing as a princess in our fashion show.

Rachel in our church's 4th of July parade.

Life in Littleton

In May, we moved our family to Littleton, Colorado, so Aaron could manage a Wells Fargo branch in Golden, Colorado (of Coors beer fame). We loved the summer here and are looking forward to the changing fall colors.

Rachel flying away at the park.

Rachel meeting the conductor--All aboard!

Rachie and Alex having fun.

Alex and Daddy enjoying our new townhome.

Rachel's first day of preschool. She decided to wear her $1 Walmart special peach shirt instead of the nice new clothes I bought her. Go figure. =) She LOVES preschool and was so sad last week when she couldn't go because she had a cough. I told her a tiny bug had gotten inside of her and that her body had to put it in prison before she could go back to preschool. All day she kept asking her tummy if the bug was in prison.

Rachel riding her "new" bike at Clement Park. (It took a bit of work to make it rideable.) I'm pretty sure Aaron wasn't so impressed with the great deal I got on it after working on it for a couple of hours. =)